Connecting with one another and laying the right connections between the attributes in the Escape Room are the core requirements to this team building activity. Goal: Break out of Einstein’s workshop or out of his office which at first sight seems like there’s nothing wrong with it. Or is there…? Play against the clock or other teams for extra fun and adrenaline!

Escape Rooms
years experience
0 +
customer rating

Put on your detective hat

Every escape room allows a maximum of 5 persons and a game play of 15 up to 30 minutes makes the Einstein-workshops and Office rooms ideal as part of company outings, team building events or a fair. Play with multiple Escape Rooms at once for an extra nerve racking adventure bringing every player in it a higher pulse rate and accelerated breathing.

"Super original! Nice activity if you really want something different! The box was located in the middle of the campus and therefore attracted a lot of attention from fellow students and visitors of Erasmus University."
Erasmus University

Some clients:

"Placed an escape room at two events, received a lot of nice reactions, highly recommended. Communication went very well, people really thought along to make our innovations come back in the escape room."
De Zorggroep Noord-Midden Limburg

Let's talk!

Please feel free to ask your question or submit a request right away. We are happy to help you!
Isa, Bert or Pieter will get back to you within one working day.