With the Plug and Play Experience, The Box Company offers companies a teambuilding activity in which collaboration and bringing colleagues together are central. Fun, competition and challenge are important values here. The activity can be used without the supervision of The Box Company at any desired location.

Plug & Play
Easy to play with instructions and a manual

Can be played in 1 large room, separate rooms and at a distance

Can be used on any desired date & time.

Let international teams compete against each other too!

How does it work?

Per team wordt er een box opgestuurd naar de locatie met daarin een duidelijke handleiding, instructies en alle benodigde spelonderdelen. Het doel van het spel is om binnen de tijd een groot aantal opdrachten op te lossen. Het team dat aan het einde de meeste punten weet te verzamelen wint de Experience! Een team bestaat uit maximaal 5 personen. Door met meerdere teams te spelen wordt er een extra competitie-element aan toegevoegd. De verschillende teams kunnen ieder aan een eigen tafel spelen, in aparte ruimtes of op verschillende tijden. Speel je met elkaar in één grote ruimte, dan zorgt dit voor hilariteit, energie en een sterk competitiegevoel en verhoogd adrenaline level.


"We played the plug and Play experience with our Management team. Clear communication and equipment were present at the location well in advance. We competed with several teams, clear explanations beforehand and during the game a fierce battle for the win. What increases the tension is that you can see the score of the other teams in the meantime. Definitely worth repeating!"


"Super well organized and very versatile assignments. We played the game with 80 people and only positive reactions came from all sides. So compliments to The Box Company"

Corporates and SMEs

“We played the Plug and Play game at an off-site event with our team (25 people across 5 teams) and it was a lot of fun with a great competition because we played it in one big room so you can see the progress of see other teams. The games/puzzles require ingenuity, trusting someone that an answer is right and finding the answers together. Would highly recommend!"

Let's talk!

Please feel free to ask your question or submit a request right away.
Bert or Marije will get back to you within one working day.